Fr. Geoff came to Canada in 2002 from a career in South Africa as a strategy and change consultant and the founding CEO of a human resources and remuneration company. He studied at Regent College while also pastoring University Chapel (UC). In 2013, supported by UC, he was ordained in ANiC and planted St Thomas Mission (previously called Sojourn Church). He continues to pastor these partner communities, as well as Korean and Mandarin congregations and ministries. He has come to appreciate the value of the Anglican heritage for spiritual formation in our secular age. For the past 6 years he has been involved in church planting through Vision Ministries Canada (affiliated to the C2C network) which has guided and supported over 17 successful planting initiatives. Fr. Geoff is married to Sharon, a family doctor, and has two daughters working their way through university.
Mon to Thurs 9AM - 3PM