Gregory Butler is a member of St. Peter and St. Paul's Parish in Ottawa. He is a research analyst currently working for the federal government. He has published on the interaction of the urban environment and health promotion. Gregory has been doing a lot of thinking about where our next strategic Church Plants should be located. He has been in touch with Anglican Explorers and recently addressed a key meeting of our Bishops with the Canon for Church Planting, the Rev. Alastair Sterne.
Key Points from the presentation:
- 70 % of Canadians live in 35 Census Metro Areas (CMA's)
- They are zones of influence and we need an Anchor Church in each
- Estimated 80 potential ANiC interested people per 100,000 population throughout Canada
- Winnipeg, Kitchener-Waterloo, and London are the largest CMA's without an ANiC parish
- These should be the targets for interns and planters, followed by funding and clergy to develop to 200+
- Anchor churches have mission DNA, want to plant, cover the ANiC spectrum, and are ambitious.
- Large and stable plants then increase ANiC funds to plant more
- Victoria, Vancouver, Ottawa, and St. John's are examples of already serviced CMA's.