The Reverend Paul Orritt assists at Grace Church Calgary and hopes to see a new church plant in the north west of that city in time. Right now the priority is strengthening their host church. When the time does come Paul+ hopes to implement this strategy for the new community called "Kainos":
Particularly unique to KAINOS:
- all decisions are made by unanimity through faith in the Lord’s leading;
- the fundamental structure of the church is based on Cell-Courses-Celebration, with leadership and discipleship development centering in multiplying Cells, strategically sequenced Courses, with Sunday Celebrations expressive of new life in Jesus;
- the theological principle of the “priesthood of all believers” is to be taken seriously and practically (within the context of ANiC), allowing for every member ministry and moving away from monarchical leadership practices;
- all ministry within KAINOS would be gift-based, attending specifically to ROM 12 for ministry deployment through gift identification and development and 1COR 12 for ministry engagement;
- the focus of KAINOS would be outward, embracing the Lord’s heart for the broken and the lost.