Did you Know?
- brand new ANiC Plants are underway in Gander NL and Sault Ste. Marie, ON
- explorations are underway in London ON, St. Thomas ON, North Bay ON, and elsewhere
- Bishop Ron will lead a panel on Church Planting at Synod in Ottawa November 6-8, 2019
- you don't have to be an official delegate to attend Synod www.anglicannetwork.ca
- lay leaders are an essential component of church plants: treasurers, administrators, teachers, youth leaders, techies, and musicians are much needed!
- Anglican Explorers hopes to be connected to "seed community members" looking for an ANiC presence in their locale
- clergy and church planters are needed for Langley BC, Bulkley Valley BC, Kelowna BC and elsewhere. See the ANiC Website-/Resources,/Job Opportunities.
- Anglican Explorers holds a monthly Zoom Video Call for interested Explorers across the continent. Talk to Bishop Ron if you would like an invite. rferris@anglicannetwork.ca